Anyone know where I can edit my <head> tags?

General ShopSite user discussion

Anyone know where I can edit my <head> tags?

Postby Packer » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:37 am

Hey guys,
Sorry for what is possibly a stupid question, but I want to implement a new menu system, it uses javascript, and the code needs to be put in the <head></head> tags to call upon a file dynamically.

My template is custom, so I undertsnad if it could be in a different place, and that I may not get help. But the template designer lives and operates from San Diago, and im in the UK, so our time difference is a problem (Very helpful guy though).

I have emailed him, but I thought id try to get an answer quicker so I can get on with the work today.

I have looked in the includes folder, and I have a file called 'header' but this is simply the very top menu system.

Thanks for any help.
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:22 am

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:44 am

Start by looking at the page template since that is the main definition of what the page will look like. There will probably be a <head> tag in there that you can put your javascript after. If ther is no <head> tag then look at the various "include" statements at the beginning of that file and find out which one of them includes the <head> and add your script to that file.
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