Script timeout on resize images

General ShopSite user discussion

Script timeout on resize images

Postby beley » Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:16 pm

I have a client with around 5000 images and when resizing I'll select only one manufacturer at a time, typically 250-500 images, but it still times out when running.

Is there a way to just start where it left off? There is no indication in the media manager which images have "resized" versions, that I can tell anyway.

Brandon Eley
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:12 pm

Is there a way to just start where it left off?

No. If you have control of the webserver config (or your host will change the webserver config at your request), increase the webserver's timeout setting.

Also, the larger the size of your original images, the longer it will take to process them down to the various sizes you have defined. And also, the more sizes you have defined the longer it will take. So if you have sizes configured that you are not actually using, turn them off, and if your client is uploading 10 megapixel images to ShopSite directly from their digital camera without shrinking them down first, tell them to stop that ;-)

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