I received the following email from Google, saying that my feed has non-unique ID entries. I'm assuming that Shopsite is doing the right thing, but perhaps not? (I'm not sure)
My feed has unique entries for <batch:id>. The google base documentation talks about a <g:id> field, which is not in the Shopsite-generated feed.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
The email from them is included below.
- dc
Thank you for your participation in Google Base. We're reaching out
to inform you of an upcoming change regarding the Google Base
attribute, ID. IDs are unique alphanumeric identifiers used to
identify each offer in your data feed and are a required Google Base
Our system will soon begin verifying that every item submitted to
Google Base includes this required attribute during processing.
Items submitted without ID attribute values will generate an error
and will not be processed by our system or appear in search results.
In a recent review of your Google Base content, we noticed at least
one of your offers doesn't include an ID value. If your feed already
includes the ID attribute, please also make sure every item in your
file includes a unique value for this attribute. If your file
doesn't include the ID attribute, you will need to add this
attribute to your feed and include a unique value for each item.
To avoid any delays in processing your items when this change
occurs, we'd like to ask that you promptly update your content to
include both the ID attribute and unique values for every item
you're submitting. Visit
http://base.google.com/support/bin/answ ... r=78170#id
for more information on the Google Base ID attribute.
Please feel free to visit our Help Center at
http://base.google.com/support if you have any questions.
Alternatively, you can visit
http://groups.google.com/group/base-help-discussion to reach out
to other Google Base providers for troubleshooting tips.
The Google Team