More Publishing Problems

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More Publishing Problems

Postby KatherineL » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:17 pm

I'm having a similar problem to one posted earlier this month. It takes hours to publish or regenerate the site. I'm hosted by Hostcentric, version 8.3 and have had an open ticket with them since Feb 29th. I'm about to move my site which will be a huge effort. Today they restored my database using an old backup which put my site into a major mess and I can't even fix it.

They keep promising me it will be fixed shortly and nothing happens.

Does anyone have any suggestions at all???????

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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:11 pm

suggestion: change hosts

Postby ruthann » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:45 pm

I know what a huge effort it is to make that kind of change but when you factor in all the down-time and extra work that your present host is giving you, it really is the best option.

I use Lexiconn. I had been with the same host for about 8 years and I had just outgrown what he had to offer. It was the best move I ever made. Lexiconn did the majority of the work for me and it took them less than a day from the time I signed up until they had me all moved.

When I email them with a problem it is usually fixed within a matter of minutes. I can't praise them enough, they are so helpful, so efficient and so polite that I can't believe I hesitated!

The best part is that their prices are very competitive. You can't go wrong with them.

Good luck,
Caribbean & Latin American Art
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Same problem with store with 180,000 items

Postby MgmtSpec » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:58 pm


First, make sure your keyword.db is not huge - can happen just by selecting too many option like index all option text, numbers, etc.

Next, most likely the problem is numerous empty lines of db records.
Download a copy of your page and products.
EMPTY the db
Upload the files.

You'll publish FAST again. It not, try

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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:25 am

Postby KatherineL » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:12 am

Thanks for your suggestions. Actually, yesterday the problem became even more curious. I was able to publish normally a few times, then it would hang and take about 20 minutes. This was intermittent throughout the day while I attempted to repair the site.

In the meantime, I received yet another email from the web host telling me there is no problem. I'm sure they tested once, it was fine and that was that. They don't seem to actually read or listen to what's happening.

Regardless, since it's intermittent, it would seem this would be a hosting issue as opposed to a problem with my database or keywords? I'm also noticing that it almost always works normally in the middle of the night but bogs during the day.
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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:11 pm

Postby MgmtSpec » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:06 pm


It still can be a db problem when intermittment. If you just publish "updated" info vs a full regeration it may seem normal.
When you have "time" to do so go to utilies > publish and regerate full store. Do it obviously when you can hours w/o publishing in case it takes that long. Also look at if you are re-indexing all search terms when publishing.

If you rule out the db then it is 99% most likely a CPU limit on your host.
Most shared host have rules regarding CPU usuage and publishing large files can use a lot of CPU. Actually, it could be a matter of CPU simply not available at peak times. That would explain why daytime bogs down and nighttime works normal.

If that is the case, or lexicon have proven stability for SS and qualified support. Moving really isn't that hard. You can even transfer sales history file if you want. The slowest part is all the back office receipt text, etc. Nothing that can't be done within a couple hours.

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Postby mtgotraders » Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:20 am

I also had similar problems until I switched to lexiconn. Lexiconn is a good bit more expensive than my previous hosts but it's worth it ten fold. I NEVER have downtime and they answer all my questions within around 3 minutes. They also know shopsite like the back of their hand.

A lot of the problems with shopsite are due to the type of database system it uses. I really wish they would switch to php/mysql. There are of course many great things about shopsite too, but that is my biggest pet peeve with them.
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