I created a website with Shopsite and once I got the hang of how the templates work I really enjoyed using it.
But I ran into a problem I can't seem to solve.
When I go to the checkout with Internet Explorer I can checkout fin, the order is placed and shows up as a new order in the admin tool - and the customer gets the order summary.
If I do the same with Firefox - and hit submit order the startpage of the website loads - and when I click on "view cart" all products are still in the cart and the checkout didn't work.
Another odd thing is - and maybe it is related?! - the coding for all the different buttons (add to cart, view cart, continue shopping etc.) all works fine - until you go to the checkout page - there the path to the graphics is for some strange reason different and the images can't be found.
The images within the online shop are under:
and on the checkout page the path changes to:
https://shopsite.accountsupport.com/ss8 ... ges/media/
which seems like a global default path that the webhost setup (the site is hosted at ipower.com).
Has anyone had similar problems? Any idea why the checkout works with IE and not with Firefox?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.