Google Conversion Tracking code, Order Total?

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Google Conversion Tracking code, Order Total?

Postby CarolA » Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:14 pm

I'm in the process of converting my store from using another shopping cart to ShopSite. We use Google Adwords, report conversions back to them, and rely heavily on the Google reporting to manage our paid search campaign. We do the same with Yahoo.

The code is supposed to go on my Thank You page. Can I just insert the conversion tracking code into my custom shopping cart template, for the Thank You page? Also, I need the Order Total. I've looked everywhere, but all I see is [-- SC_Totals --], and no tag for pulling out the order total itself.

What am I missing? I assume plenty of others are doing this. Can someone help? I've got ShopSite 9, Pro. Thanks!
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Postby Jim » Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:04 pm

You will need to use the javascript variables that contain the values you want. You can find them described in the help on page ... ables.html

There is a link on that page that shows how to used them with Google Analytics.
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Postby CarolA » Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:36 pm

Perfect - thank you Jim!!
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