by robm » Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:12 am
Yes, the price should match the UPS site. A few things to check:
- Make sure the weight of the product is set correctly in the ShopSite backoffice (Weights should be in pounds, and ounces as a fraction such as 4 ounces being 0.25 pounds). If you recently changed the weight, empty your cart and re-add the product
- If you set a dimension for a product, that product will ship in its own package. So, if you add 2 of this product with dimensions, 2 separate boxes get sent to UPS for calculation
- Make sure you do not have an extra handling charge in ShopSite that is skewing the returned price
- Make sure your UPS registration is using your correct zipcode
- Make sure you have the right pickup method set with UPS in the backoffice