Moving between ShopSite Hosting Compnaies

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Moving between ShopSite Hosting Compnaies

Postby garya2 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:52 am

My current hosting company is using Shopsite 8.3. My new hosting company is using Shopsite 9.

1. Am I correct in assuming that I can download from my V8.3 database, the products, pages and orders and then upload them to a V9 database without any problems? I assume the product ID assignments will not change for each product after the upload to the new hosting company is this correct?

2. I assume that any Orderanywhere links I had with the old hosting Shopsite cart will have to modified. Is a global find/replace feasible assuming the product ID has remained the same? I would assume I only have to replace from the "http: to the end of the storeid. The find/replace in Frontpage is not that sophisticated so I guess I will have to do editig to about 300 links.

3.Then I guess I will manually have to setup the shipping, shopping cart screens, credit card processing screens etc. Is there a set of files I can copy that would eliminate all or some of the manual configuration?
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:38 am

1) No, a download from one store them upload to another will not necessarily preserve the same item numbers for each product. If you had been using OrderAnywhere buttons with the SKU's instead of the default internal itemnums, then it wouldn't be a problem since your products in the new store will obviously have the same SKU's. Have you tried asking your current host if they can provide you with a zip'ed up copy of your ShopSite data directory so that you can provide it to your new host to put in your new ShopSite?

2) If your new host has a different path/URL to the shopping cart directory, then yes you would need to do this. If your new host can assign you the same storeid as your old host you won't have to worry about that part and you would only need to replace the domain and the path in the URL up to (but not including) order.cgi.

3) Yes, unless you get the data directory contents from your old host for your new host to put in the new store, then all your shipping, tax, etc would be preserved. Note that you would still need to re-select the payment gateway you are using (if you are using one), and you may also need to reconfigure it.

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Moving between ShopSite Hosting Companies

Postby garya2 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:35 pm

Thanks for the fast response. I have not tried asking for this. I will try asking for a Zip copy of the data folder. I don't have much faith that they will give it to me because I have not been able to get much cooperation out of them under normal circumstances let alone under this one. I have ShopSite Manager which does not create SKU Anywhere links. Although I could have manually edited the links with the SKU tag, I did not have a reason to do so at the time.

I am glad you have this forum because my current hosting service provided me wth zero information on anything. Your help gudes and this forum are my only resource.
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:46 pm
Location: OHIO

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