Using Verio VPS, converting from Mercantec SoftCart - tips?

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Using Verio VPS, converting from Mercantec SoftCart - tips?

Postby CarolA » Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:25 pm

I've searched and read through past threads on URL's, redirects, etc. It sounds like there are some out there that have gone through the pain I'm about to go through. We have an existing, very customized store, on Mercantec SoftCart, on a Verio VPS hosting plan.

I'm about to switch to ShopSite. My plan is to have them install ShopSite and run concurrently for a few weeks or as long as it takes to get everything built and working in ShopSite, then make the switch. Make sure it works, then turn off Mercantec.

I'm hoping to install ShopSite at the base URL instead of using /store, /shopping or whatever. Since everything currently redirects immediately into the Softcart directory structure - online-store/scstore..., I think I'll be able to figure that out.

I've seen that unfortunately all my images have to go in /media, instead of /images where everything is now, so I'll plan for that.

I assume, hopefully, I'll be able to put in redirects from the old SoftCart URL's where people have bookmarked, search engine links, etc...once I'm ready to use the ShopSite store.

We currently use the Verio shared certificate - - for our secured ordering pages. I don't know if that's going to be a problem...

Any advice from those that have been through this before? I'm afraid that once Verio installs ShopSite, it's going to clobber my existing store, and I want to work this all out as much as possible before I give them the go ahead...

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Re: Using Verio VPS, converting from Mercantec SoftCart - ti

Postby bodyflight » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:59 am

Also a verio VPS reseller here. I am not switching from merc or miva this store is new.. I've given up on the other two, and shopsite is the last supported option.

I've been at this a couple of weeks now. I do have a few suggestions.

First... when you order shopsite, make sure the url for the store includes the www (I left it out and now everything store wise leaves out the www) and I'll have to change my auth file (a hidden file with all the secure goods in it)

Second... shopsite installed for me under user/store
which actually works out ok during development.
Once I'm ready to go live, I'll just change my config file to match the /store directory and fix any absolute links I have in my templates to match

Third... I use the SSL as well... I had it created in the clients name so that when I use it.. folks won't be discouraged with the URL showing something unrelated (its already unrelated enough if you ask me.. but it's free and it IS secure) it also points to the main dir NOT /store and so I will also have to change that (i use a v3 so one change to the config and that's solved)

I don't think you can install it at the base dir... but repointing the domain is super easy.. and allows you to run both side by side without anyone knowing.

I don't think I would use individual redirects (but that's me) I think I'd set the domain up with an ERROR doc that Says Hey We've Moved and redirects them to the store main page.

Lots of luck.. I've had a HELL of a time with these templates... custom coding is NOT my forte. Hope you have better luck.
My store is about to go live next week and I'm getting to the payment configurations etc now. If I can help ya with something I've figured out, I'll certainly try.
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Postby CarolA » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:49 am

Thanks for the tips! I really appreciate it.

I'm better at the coding than I am with anything Unix or server related. So, if I can offer any help with the custom templates... I'm in the process of getting all that figured out now.

Good luck with your go live!
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