I have spent more than a week trying customize these template options. There is no reason for this in my case, and I'm sure many others.
All I want, is typical, for all pages of my shopsite store to have the same header and footer... this is very common and judging by the dozens of completed shopsite stores, I haven't seen ANYONE yet use the ability to make their more product pages, shopping cart pages, checkout screens & main pages look different from eachother. Each and every template has to be edited for uniformity and there are LOTS. And even when you do.. some codes are not allowed in some templates.
So now.. no matter WHAT I do.. part of this store are going to look different from eachother. I pay almost $50 per month and the only option for me to get exactly what I want is to use the "Order Anywhere" links on an html site, unfortunately though, I lose some of the few features you offer like minicart & registrationsignin if I do the html site with a link to the store. Two sites, shouldn't be the solution to get my shopsite store headers and footers to be uniform. at least not for the price I'm paying.
The coding solution? Under Store Preferences add a button for UNIVERSAL HEADER & FOOTER. Add a checkbox to Activate Universal Headers & Footers (which would override the others) and two text areas for us to fill in the html. I have no problem hardcoding to secure images so that when the header/footer is used in secure areas there isn't any issues.