embed a hosted cart into my own Dreamweaver template?

General ShopSite user discussion

embed a hosted cart into my own Dreamweaver template?

Postby bluenote15 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:23 pm

My hosting company offers ShopSite Pro, which I have purchased. I am struggling though with editing the various pages, products, etc. with their tool. It is much easier to edit outside of their tool (I think). I am running a MySQL database backend. Isn't there some way to just say "import this SQL file into the table called 'products', and import that SQL file into the table called 'customers'", etc. in such a way that ShopSite wants?

Is there a way to embed the code into my Dreamweaver [body] editable region, versus having to import my Dreamweaver template into the ShopSite Pro "tool" on my hosted console? In other words, instead of using eHosts's "simple plug and play" tool, can I somehow find out what the shopping cart code is and just put it into my Dreamweaver and publish to my server from there?

I like the features of ShopSite Pro, but the hosted tool is excruciatingly complicated to administer.

Thanks in advance,
Christine Hanna --
Posts: 2
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Embed a Hosted Cart in Dreamweaver

Postby BFChris » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:22 am


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but don't think you can do things exactly the way you are describing in Shopsite.

Shopsite doesn't fully use the SQL database format, so you can't just "copy over" your mySQL database into Shopsite. You could export your products table as a delimited text file and then upload the file to Shopsite using the upload feature and field mapping.

Also, since Shopsite pages are static html generated at the time you click "Publish" in the Shopsite back office, I don't think you could import the Shopsite code into a Dreaweaver template, because there'd be no mechanism by which the dynamic data would get populated from the Shopsite database, since the Shopsite [tags] are only interpreted at the time of publish, not by any type of PHP/SQL scripting as a page loads for a viewer.

You could download a Shopsite template, edit it in Dreamweaver, then copy if back up to Shopsite if you want to do your editing in Dreamweaver. You can also use separate include files for static information that could be fully edited in Dreamweaver and just called by your Shopsite template files. This works well for headers, footers, navigation, etc.

~~Barefoot Chris
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