by Jim » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:59 am
I have verified that this action occurs. This may be the result of the way that data is formatted in the download file which precludes the capability of doing the fields in that order.
In an order there is some information that only occurs one time such as shopper name, shipping address, payment information etc. An order can have multiple products so each product does not have an order total associated with it. It wouldn't make sense to have the order total repeated for every product in the order so rather than doing that the order total will be placed at the front of all the products and then each product will have its information displayed in succeeding columns of the table. Here is a general layout.
Shopper information, combined order information, Product 1 info, Product 2 info, Product 3 info.
All of the shopper information will be together(name, address,etc), all payment information will be together (card type, cc #, expiration date etc), all of the combined order information (total price, tax, shipping charge etc) will be together, and each line item will have all of its information together. You can arrange the information in each individual section but you can't move it outside of that section.