A question about passing additional parameters to ShopSite

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A question about passing additional parameters to ShopSite

Postby volemax » Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:48 am


When customers buy our product they get an email with special link to our website with seller code embedded in it. They can give that link to friends/family, or put it on their website. Anyone clicking that link will be taken to our website. On our side we have to capture that seller code and submit it to the ShopSite so that we could have that seller code in order variables. How can we do that?

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:27 am

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:26 am

I'm assuming that when the friends/family click that special link, your site is setting a cookie or something in their browser to identify them and the person whose link they used? If so, and if that cookie is set from the same domain you use on your ShopSite checkout screen (where address and credit card info is entered), then you could add custom JavaScript to the checkout screen to grab this cookie info and stuff it into a hidden form field you could create via the Custom Checkout Fields feature (I'm also assuming you have ShopSite Pro, otherwise you won't have this feature). Then the data would be passed through in the order.

http://www.shopsite.com/help/9.0/en-US/ ... ields.html

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Re: A question about passing additional parameters to ShopSi

Postby volemax » Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:35 pm

Thanks a lot !!!

volemax wrote:Hello,

When customers buy our product they get an email with special link to our website with seller code embedded in it. They can give that link to friends/family, or put it on their website. Anyone clicking that link will be taken to our website. On our side we have to capture that seller code and submit it to the ShopSite so that we could have that seller code in order variables. How can we do that?

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:27 am

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