Banner graphic displacement

General ShopSite user discussion

Banner graphic displacement

Postby chris.knowles6 » Tue May 14, 2002 10:23 am

We're using Shopsite TX 4.1 Lite, and if we assign any image as a banner
graphic, this then pushes the rest of the pages contents along to it's
furthest right (like a paragraph marker in a wordprocessor). e.g. If we
put an image that is screen width as a banner, all products and content of
the page will be pushed just off screen (right side).
Can anyone help give us some clues about this.

Comparing to ShopSite 8

Postby JoeCuv » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:32 am

I don't know what the abilities are in ShopSite TX 4.1 but in ShopSite 8 this same issue would be caused because the Banner Graphic fits in the Upper Left Cell of a 2 or 3 Column Table. The rest of the items fit in the next column over. If you drew imaginary horizontal and vertical lines on the page you could envision where the columns are positioned and what is in each column.

If there is a page template that uses the banner in the top middle then you should switch to that template. If TX 4.1 lets you create your own template the you can customize the format of the page to do what ever you want.
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Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:12 am
Location: Solana Beach, CA

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