Hi there,
I have been battling a problem with a ShopSite pre-designed template (Elite:blue in ShopSite v. 9.0.2) where the button for "add to cart" works, but the graphic does not appear. Here's an example: http://rsvpbridal.com/store/product2.html . If I substitute any other template, the button works, but this template happens to work particularly well for more store and I can't find another one (and don't have time to custom design one right now) that works as well.
Any ideas as to how to get that button to appear? It shows up on the main pages, just not the More Info page. I can tweak code and do some basic html, so if anyone has any ideas I'd LOVE the help. My provider (Verio) says that this is a ShopSite issue, and not anything they are I have done, but ShopSite needs to fix it, not them, and I can't seem to get any other support on the issue.
While we're at it, is there as way to move the price/options/add to cart info from below the picture to up underneath the text?
Much thanks in advance!