Add to Cart button (graphic) missing on More Info Page

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Add to Cart button (graphic) missing on More Info Page

Postby kocskasy » Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:02 pm

Hi there,
I have been battling a problem with a ShopSite pre-designed template (Elite:blue in ShopSite v. 9.0.2) where the button for "add to cart" works, but the graphic does not appear. Here's an example: . If I substitute any other template, the button works, but this template happens to work particularly well for more store and I can't find another one (and don't have time to custom design one right now) that works as well.

Any ideas as to how to get that button to appear? It shows up on the main pages, just not the More Info page. I can tweak code and do some basic html, so if anyone has any ideas I'd LOVE the help. My provider (Verio) says that this is a ShopSite issue, and not anything they are I have done, but ShopSite needs to fix it, not them, and I can't seem to get any other support on the issue.

While we're at it, is there as way to move the price/options/add to cart info from below the picture to up underneath the text?

Much thanks in advance!
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:46 am

The problem with the Add to Cart image on the More Info Pages of this theme will likely be fixed in a future version, but here is what you can do about it now (besides using a different template):

Go to Merchandising -> Custom Templates -> Includes and use the Copy ShopSite Include function to get a copy of the file 'core_001_pr_basic_moreinfo.sst'. You can name it anything you want (except 'core_001_pr_basic_moreinfo.sst'), then after it is created and is in your list of Include files, use the Copy Include function to copy it back to the original name 'core_001_pr_basic_moreinfo.sst'. Once you have this file in your Includes list and have it named the original name, edit it and change all instances of this:

Code: Select all
src="[-- STORE.AddToCart --]"

to just this:

Code: Select all
[-- AddImage --]

Note that the AddImage will provide the src="", so this is why you don't need these when you replace the original code with this tag. It may be easier to make this edit if you copy the code of the include file into a new Notepad file and use the search-and-replace function, then copy the changed code back into the include edit box in ShopSite.

Also note that this problem only occurs in ShopSite Manager and ShopSite Starter stores, so if you were ever considering upgrading to the ShopSite Pro level, now would be a great time to do so in order to avoid making the above fix or waiting for a new version with the fix included.

As far as moving things around on the More Info Page goes, now that you have your own copy of the include file that creates the More Info Page for this theme, perhaps you can experiment a little (don't forget to make a backup before you make changes, in case your edits have undesirable results) and move product elements around the way you like them.

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Postby kocskasy » Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:10 pm

Thank you so much!!!! I'll give that a shot
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:55 pm

Postby kocskasy » Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:44 pm

Hi Loren,

Hmmmm, okay I made the changes and overwrote the old file with the new changed file, but nothing has changed. Do I need to do something else for the site to recognize the new changed file? Argh! I wonder if I can't get this to work and upgrade to Pro if the same template will exist? Thanks again for your help...

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Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:55 pm

Postby kocskasy » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:12 pm

IT WORKED!!! I regenerated the entire site and it worked!!!--thank you so much, I really really appreciate it.

On a side note, do you know if this template will exist if and when we decide to upgrade to pro? I'd hate to go through all the reformatting of a new template if we don't need to......


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