multiple currency

General ShopSite user discussion

multiple currency

Postby Yesmin » Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:07 am

Is there any currency converter for displaying multiple currencies? From Shopsite Back office I use US Dollars as default currency and now I want to display
1. multiple currencies of different countries(example: Canadian Dollars, Pounds etc.)
2. Products price in the currency of the customers choice (example: Pounds).
3. the transaction to be made in the currency of the customers choice ?

Is there any solution? if yes then how?
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:01 am

Postby Jim » Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:41 am

ShopSite allows you to display the primary currency that your store uses and an alternate currency on store pages (Preferences > Locale) but all transactions for the store would be done in the primary currency. The only way to allow a person to checkout in a different currency would be to have multiple stores each using a different currency.
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