Sales Tax by Zip

General ShopSite user discussion

Sales Tax by Zip

Postby mlcschris » Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:32 am

When sales tax by zip is enabled--what zip code is used, billing or shipping?

It seems to be using shipping. However, this is counter to our understanding of tax law--sales tax is based on state of RESIDENCE, I believe.

Please advise.
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:00 am

Postby Jim » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:01 am

Sales tax within ShopSite us based on shipping address zip code.

Unless you have a physical presence (i.e store, office, salesman etc) in a state they cannot require you to collect tax for that state. Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government and not the states themselves and there is no federal sales tax which would apply. (Disclaimer: I am not a tax attorney so you should contact your tax attorney/accountant for official info.)
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Sales Tax

Postby mlcschris » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:09 am

But, we do have a physical presence in this particular state. Therefore, we need to charge tax to people who are also RESIDENTS of this state (ie. based on billing address, not shipping).
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Postby Jim » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:25 am

Not unless the product is being shipped to them at their residence in that state. If they are buying it and YOU sending it to a friend in another state then there should be no tax because the product is being shipped out of the state. If they buy the product and have it shipped to them and then THEY send it to their friend then there would be tax on it because they took possession of the item in their state. Again talk to a tax attorney.
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Postby bakerman » Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:10 pm

Jim wrote:Sales tax within ShopSite us based on shipping address zip code.

Unless you have a physical presence (i.e store, office, salesman etc) in a state they cannot require you to collect tax for that state. Interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government and not the states themselves and there is no federal sales tax which would apply. (Disclaimer: I am not a tax attorney so you should contact your tax attorney/accountant for official info.)

Jim's response is my understanding of this too.
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