Different user identify

General ShopSite user discussion

Different user identify

Postby Yesmin » Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:48 am

In shopsite back office there is a option of customer groups.I create a different group(example: Wholesale buyers) in back office.I want to assign and show different price of products for different customer(example:for Normal
Customer --> $24, for Wholesale buyers --> $20)
.I want to identify different user from there username and password at login page.Is there any way to identify different user from the sign in page.If yes then how?
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Postby Jim » Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:33 am

There is no built in way to show different prices to different groups. With groups a coupon can be applied in the cart that will reduce the price charged but the price they see on store pages would be the same for everyone.

The best thing to do if you have wholesale and retail customers is to have 2 different stores one with wholesale prices and the other with retail price. Have the wholesale store in a password protected directory so regular shoppers can't view the prices. If you do this you can contact ShopSite Sales and get a "mirror" license for the second store at a reduced price.

It would also be possible to create separate pages in a single store showing different product prices but you would need to have duplicate products so that one could have the wholesale price and the other the retail price. You would put the wholesale pages in a password protected directory so only wholesale customers can see those pages.
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