Quantity Pricing Groups new in 9.0

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Quantity Pricing Groups new in 9.0

Postby psldesigns » Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:46 am

Is anyone using this? I get how to set up a group. I get how to assign a product to that group. But where do I say what the qty discount is? Is it in the edit item and each item in the group needs the same table for qty discount? So all the products in the group would have to have the same pricing?

We were hoping to use it like a buy two get one free. Am i misunderstanding it's use?

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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:48 pm

No, it wouldn't work to do buy two get one free, for that particular scenario check out the Rewards feature.

The regular Quantity Pricing works like (for example):

buy 1 of Product A and get it for $5
buy 5 of Product A and get them for $4
buy 10 of Product A and get them for $3

This works for a single product. The problem that Quantity Pricing Groups solved is that a lot of people have 'categories' of products that should all be additive to determine the discount of each individual product in that category, for example:

buy any CD and get it for $5
buy any 5 CD's and get them for $4 each
buy any 10 CD's and get them for $3 each

Actually, though, the Quantity Pricing of all of the CD's does not have to be the same. What happens if Quantity Pricing Groups are set up is that the quantity of all of the products in a particular group is totaled up, and each product in that group gets the price of whatever Quantity Pricing you have set up for that product as if you are purchasing that total number of them.

So you are buying 1 each of product A, B, C, D, and E, but because they are all in the same group, you will be paying for each of them at the Quantity Discount price you have configured for 5 of each of those particular products.

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Postby Swine » Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:39 am


This is precisely what we need. We sell a group of 8 DVDs. If a person orders four of them, one of them is free. But we are currently on ShoptSite Pro 7.1 and haven't been able to offer this discount.

Can you tell me what is involved in upgrading to ShopSite 9 Pro from version 7.1? Is it expensive? Is it difficult for the electronically challenged? I'd appreciate any info you can provide.


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Postby Swine » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:22 am

Obviously I asked a big ole dumb question. After a brief search on ShopSite's website I found upgrade information, and since we are hosted by Verio -- a ShopSite partner -- I contacted them about the upgrade. They are currently upgrading their customers to 8.3. I suppose that doesn't offer the group pricing discount... Oh, well, at least we'll be one step closer.
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:44 am

No, v8.3 doesn't have Quantity Pricing Groups, but the Rewards feature is in ShopSite Pro v8.0 and newer so you would have that if you upgraded to v8.3.

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Postby Swine » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:58 am

Great. Thanks for the info! Rewards it is.
Posts: 143
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