Color options

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Color options

Postby geek » Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:16 am

How can I find out how to change color options in a template.

I like the classy template, but we would like different colors on our headers. My HTML for the header is running, but the background color is comming from the style sheet.

Is their a tutorial I am missing?

Thanks to all.
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RE: Color options

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:29 pm

There are some templates within ShopSite which allow you to change all of the colors. However, there are some templates which have one or two of the colors (or images which are created with particular colors) hard coded into the template.

The classy template is a little different than most templates. It uses all of the color fields within the page as well as one of the color fields in the shopping cart layout to control all of the colors on your pages. If you would like to change that background color for the header and the side navigations, you would go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info, and change the Table Shade Color. You can then go to Utilities > Publish > Regenerate, and publish your website with the new color.

ShopSite Lauren
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Postby geek » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:30 pm

I went there.

The table shade color changes.

The link colors change links you put on a page, but do not effect the navigation items list under the search. Unfortunatly in the template the link color and the visited link color are the same.

On our website under the search on the left side you get the list of pages. When you first go in you can tell what link you are on, it changes color, as you visit the link, the color permanently changes, only by cleaning out the browser cache can the color change be restored. I find it hard to track which links I have visited.
Any way to get those 'buttons' to ALWAYS change color when you are over them, so you know which selection you are on???

I don't think I am changing the navigation color in the right spot.
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RE: RE: Color options

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:37 pm

After you changed the Table Shade Color in Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info, did you regenerate the whole website (Utilities > Publish > Regenerate). The pages need to be regenerated with the new color, it will not show up automatically.

For your question about the links, I believe that the link color and the visited link color (for the navigation links) are both using the Background color specified in Pages > Edit Page Layout. The only way to change this is if you change the CSS file which that page is using to control the link color. The CSS file that template is using is class_pa_styles.css.

ShopSite Lauren
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Postby geek » Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:31 am

I did the regenerate. Twice even, just in case the first one did not take.
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Postby geek » Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:50 pm

I saved the template, as PA_STYLE.CSS

But when I go to upload it, it can not find a template to upload. I searched my entire hard was not found. Is this another function locked out by POWWEB???
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RE: Color options

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:14 pm

If you are changing the CSS include file that the template is using, you will want to make the changes, then save that include file with the EXACT same name as the original file. This will make it so that your copied include file will override the original include file. What you should do is go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Copy Include, and rename your include file "classy_pa_styles.css." Save changes then regenerate your website.

ShopSite Lauren
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