Is there a way to get ShopSite to display the following next to the PrevNext tags:
"Displaying 1 -12 of 54 total products"
And then of course, if they hit the Next link, this message would change to:
"Displaying 13 -24 of 54 total products"
Can I use VARs to do this? Has anyone ever figured out how to write this into a template?
It seems I should be able to use the [-- Page.NumProducts -] and [-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] tags to make the calcs work, but I am not sure how ShopSite creates each successive page and if it will keep track of the VAR as it builds each next page.
I thought maybe I could create a couple VARS (VAR.1stProductNum) and (VAR.LastProductNum) and initially set them equal to 1 and [-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --], respectivily. Then add the value of [-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] to each VAR for the next page, but I am not sure how to set up the IF, ELSE statements so ShopSite changes them for each page it generates.
I was hoping that maybe someone (maybe Jim or Loren) may have already figured this out, or let me know if it even possible so I don't spend hours trying to figure it out if it can't be done.
Thanks for any help on this.