Google Analytics Using HTTPS

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Google Analytics Using HTTPS

Postby extragear » Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:20 am


Recently I've began taking a class concerning Google Analytics. Once of the steps is verifying that you have the correct version of the Google Analytics code installed. Obviously if your site uses SSL, then you want to use the secure version of the Google Analytics code.

I went into the Shopsite back end and made sure we had the correct version there. This was under the Google Analytics Configuration. I then regenerated the store, cleaned my browser up. Then I went to the homepage of our site and looked at the source code. It shows the non-secure version of the code.

I then did a test order in our site, and saw that when the first secure page is gone to during check out, the GA code changes to the secure version.

So my question is, does Shopsite change the version of the code as needed on its own? I had assumed that if you used the secure version of the code in the Shopsite Analytics Configuration page, then it would use the secure version on all pages.

Note that the data in our Google Analytics account looks fine. I am assuming that perhaps the course material just isnt taking into account how Shopsite works. We are using a set of templates purchased from a design firm. I am assuming they used an include for adding the GA code to each page.


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Postby extragear » Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:18 am

After reading further on the subject, I came across this article, ... ytics.html

In the article there is mentioned an easy fix to the secure - non-secure code issue. I would be curious if this is why the http changes in Shopsite. (Well, at least in our case)
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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:14 am

ShopSite does not use the Google Analytics script exactly as you have entered it in the Merchandising -> Google -> Analytics menu. It is basically for convenience so that you don't have to find your _uacct value in the script that Google provides, you can just plop the whole thing in this field and ShopSite parses what is entered here to get the _uacct value, and then inserts it in the appropriate version of the Google Analytics script for your site and the particular page on your site that it is putting the code in (i.e. https instead of http, extra variables if required, etc etc). You don't have to enter your full script on this ShopSite configuration menu, you could also just enter your _uacct value in the 'Google Analytics Tracking Code' field and it would be just as good.

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Postby extragear » Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:53 am

Thanks for the reply. What you said makes sense. One more question, I assume that Shopsite automatically places the hidden form needed to track ecommerce transactions on the thank you page. Is this correct?

Note that its on our thank you page, but isnt returning the Total Goal Value. According to the literature its either that the funnel isnt setup correctly or the form isnt installed.
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:18 am

Yes, ShopSite places the Google Analytics e-commerce code on the thankyou page.

Is your secure checkout domain name different from your regular storefront domain name? If it is, make sure you have the latest v8.3.1 version of ShopSite if you are using Goals and/or Funnels. See:

* fixes an issue when Google Analytics is enabled where Google Analytics goals and funnels were not tracking a unique shopper through the shopping cart if the domain name changes between the initial shopping cart screen and the secure checkout screen.

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