How do I offer aFree Reward for orders over $100?

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How do I offer aFree Reward for orders over $100?

Postby VinceS » Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:45 am

I want to offer my customers a free ticket to a trade show for every order over $100. I thought I'd be able to do this with the Rewards Program but initial testing was not what I expected. It appears I can't trigger the reward off of the Order total. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? I know this can done.
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Postby loren_d_c » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:06 am

Can you use a coupon that is not valid unless the order total is over $100? You wouldn't even have to have them add a separate 'free ticket' product, the presence of the applied coupon itself could represent the free tickets. Note that I'm not sure if you have have a coupon with a discount amount of 0.00 (you should try it first, though), so you might have to make the discount amount be 0.01. Coupons can be added to the cart either by the shopper clicking on a link, or by the shopper entering the coupon code or alternate code in the coupon code entry field in the shopping cart (if that is enabled).

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Reward for order over$100

Postby VinceS » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:34 am

Yes the coupon does work but it requires the customer to be aware or know that there's a free offer and for him/her to enter the coupon code to begin the process.

I would have much preferred to have the Rewards Offer appear in the shopping cart once the $100 limit was reached. Much like it does when you add a product from a rewards category.

I had planned to have a link to a page where they then select what show/date they wanted tickets for. Those selections would basically be products with Add to Cart buttons and no price.

I'm really surprised this isn't an option within Shop Site. Future Release maybe?!

Thanks Loren
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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:32 am

The Reward Program feature doesn't automatically add the reward product to the cart, it just displays a message once the qualifications for the reward have been reached, and the shopper can then add the product to the cart based on that message (after all, in this feature there can be multiple products to choose from for the reward).

Using the coupon method I described, you could include text/HTML on the shopping cart screen that describes the 'free ticket' offer and includes the coupon link so that the shopper can click on it right there and add the coupon to their order either before or after they've reached the $100 goal. If theydon't yet have $100 of product in the cart then they will see the coupon in their cart it will just not be an applied coupon until they reach that $100 goal. If they checkout and complete the order with the unapplied coupon in their cart (i.e. they didn't get to $100), then the coupon is removed from the cart and is not in the order.

If you have JavaScript programming skill (or know or hire someone who does), you could probably even throw up the same kind of message in the shopping cart once a shopper reaches a certain dollar amount which you can determine in JavaScript by using the Shopping Cart JavaScript Variables feature of ShopSite Pro (see the documentation for these variables at ... ables.html). Or, if you don't want to do it with coupons, link to your page with your $0.00 'free ticket' products on it from your JavaScript-created message.

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