Secure Page Problems

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Secure Page Problems

Postby JeffBowser » Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:38 am

I have Shopsite 8.3, and have been working with my ISP for two weeks now, but we are unable to solve an SSL issue. The store is at - and the problem is in the checkout screen, we get no lock icon (althought it is https) and a warning of secure and unsecure elements. The items that complain are the UPS logo at the bottom and the background GIF from the shopsite template I chose. I have no user added images in this screen. Since this is all Shopsite default stuff, I can't seem to figure out why all the images are not secured. All 4 user configurable secure settings are filled in, and ths store is secure, it is just these system supplied gifs that are killing me - what am I missing ?
Thanks in advance for any help !
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:21 am

This probably indicates that your Preferences -> Hosting Service setting labeled 'ShopSite Images secure URL' is not an https:// secure URL. Try fixing this in this setting and see if that helps.

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Postby JeffBowser » Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:48 am

That was set correctly from installation, and is the very first thing I checked before I called my ISP for support on this 2 weeks ago. It looks like this:

loren_d_c wrote:This probably indicates that your Preferences -> Hosting Service setting labeled 'ShopSite Images secure URL' is not an https:// secure URL. Try fixing this in this setting and see if that helps.

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Postby JeffBowser » Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:04 am

I finally got a go-getter at my ISP, and he manually set

in the /home/crosst01/www/cgi-bin/sc/crosst01.aa config file

Why was it not enough to do this through the user interface ?
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Postby Jim » Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:50 am

If the crosst01.aa file in the sc directory had to be changed then your store is not installed correctly. This file should be a symlink to the same file in the ss directory.

Changing the settings through the Preferences > Hosting Services screen changes the file in the ss directory. If the file in the sc directory is a symlink then the changes would affect the shopping cart. Since the file is not a symlink the changes from the backoffice of the store have no affect on the settings used by the shopping cart. The ISP should create a symlink for the crosst01.aa in the sc directory and point it to the crosst01.aa in the ss directory so that it works correctly.

The initial install of ShopSite will create the proper symlink but if a store is moved to another server sometimes the symlinks are not maintained during the move and a copy of the actual file is used instead of the symlink and this type of problem shows up.

Note that the locations of the <storeid>.aa is reversed on a windows version of ShopSite so in that case the actual <storeid>.aa is in the sc directory and the ss directory has the symlink.
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Postby JeffBowser » Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:00 am

It is odd, though, that changing through the UI does affect the store, and I did not get secure at all until I went through the UI and set it, I just had that image issue. Man, this stuff seems to almost be on par with rocket science sometimes :lol: Thanks for your clarification
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