Excluding fields in Froogle Datafeed

General ShopSite user discussion

Excluding fields in Froogle Datafeed

Postby gymratsinc » Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:36 am

Is there a way I can exclude the 'weight' field for each product I submit to Froogle?

If not, that means I have to go into each individual product in Froogle and delete the weight field.

Just trying to save some time.

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Postby Jim » Mon Sep 03, 2007 3:11 pm

There is no way to exclude the weight field since that is one of the recommended fields for the Google Base feed. However if the weight of the product is 0 that field will not be included in the feed generated by ShopSite. So if the weight of the product is not significant (i.e. you aren't using it for shipping) just set the weights to be 0 and it won't be included in the feed. However if it is used for shipping you need to leave it in your products.
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