Buy One Get One Free Coupon Ability

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Buy One Get One Free Coupon Ability

Postby Peter Gregg » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:48 am

Would like a coupon to do a Buy One Get One Free. It would work like this:

Amend the coupon edit/add page adding a section for BOGO to the choices in creating a coupon.

The BOGO section would include:

1. Using the BOBO coupon would trigger an addition to the check-out section where the item purchased is going to be listed.
Under the purchased item listing would appear a list of items they can choose as a free item with a place to check their choice. Accept only ONE checked box. Also a statement that the FREE item must be equal to or less than the price of the item they selected to buy.

2. Specific Products - I can select products that are available for free like is done in the "Valid For" section now. These product names would appear in the check-out in list form with the ability to check one. The customer would check one and the cart software would add it to the cart as a free item but also adjust the shipping cost accordingly as if both items were added separately (like by weight).

3. The cart software would check to see if purchased item was =< than the original item purchased, if not, go back to prior page and ask the client to select an item in value equal or less than the original item.

The rest of the coupon edit/add page would remain the same along with the coupon short-cut area at the bottom.
Peter Gregg
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:04 pm

Re: Buy One Get One Free Coupon Ability

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:36 am

The majority of the functionality you are requesting is already available in ShopSite Pro level stores. It in found in the Rewards feature under Merchandising > Rewards Program.
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