Free shipping reward based on quantity

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Free shipping reward based on quantity

Postby Swine » Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:47 am

Free shipping on a quantity purchased would be a VERY nice thing to have.

Although there are some suggested workarounds, they simply don't work for most situations.

In the case of creating a separate product with the number of multiple items in it and designating it as free shipping: we have 25 different videos to choose from. If we wished to offer free shipping to someone ordering any 3 of them, there are simply too many possible combinations to make creating a separate product containing 3 items workable.

As for discounting the four items to roughly equal the free shipping, the problem is what if the customer then orders 5 or 6 items? That discount would extend to all items, effectively offering a discount beyond just free shipping.

Please, please, please, a reward for free shipping based on quantity of items.
Posts: 143
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:36 am

Re: Free shipping reward based on quantity

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:22 pm

Does creating a coupon work for you? ShopSite has coupons that can be applied to specific products, based on quantity purchased, and can give free shipping. You could do something like does, just list on your website (on those product pages, or if those products are a large part of your store, you could list the information in the cart, home page or header) "free standard shipping when you purchase 3 videos. Use COUPONCODE at checkout"
- ShopSite Lauren
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