by Jim » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:47 am
The list of links to distributer and supported businesses would not be hard to do. Simply create a page for that purpose and give it a name such as "Distrubuters and supported sites". Then in the Text 1 field on that page add some comments about why you have the links. In the Text 2 field just add a list of links to the other sites. it would probably be best to open the link in another window so the shopper doesn't leave your site altogether so a link would be something like this.
<a href="" target="_blank">distributer 1</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">distributer 2</a>
Just repeat that code for each of the distributers. Then put in a comment like <p><b> And visit these supported sites</b><p>
And continue listing the links for the sites you support.
<a href="" target="_blank">supported site 1</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">supported site 2</a>
If the template you use for your normal pages puts the text 2 in a place you don't want the links simply add it to the Text 1 field or perhaps the Text 3 field.
You could do a similar type thing for your calendar of events. If each event has a separate page it would be easy to create a page for Calendar and then assign all the separate pages to to the calendar page so the links are automatically placed on the page. You could sort the events in order by using one of the custom fields and entering the date of the event in a format like yearmonthday so they look like 20130521, 20130401, etc. When they are sorted in the ascending order by that field they would be in proper year month day order.