Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

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Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby ultra1bob » Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:45 pm

It would be nice to control the font size before printing out orders. Right now even an order for one item prints on two pages.
allow payment type and payment processing info, etc. to take up two columns. There's plenty of space for that.

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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby Jim » Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:30 pm

The browser is what is doing the printing, so check your browser settings and see if there is one that will allow you to reduce the size of the page being printed. In Firefox (on Linux OS) there is an option to Scale the print size by a % so you can reduce it quite a bit. You can also define styles to apply to the order/packing slip screen and thereby change the font sizes used on the page. Order > Configure then put your styles in the Orders > Header or Packing Slip Header field.
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby ultra1bob » Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:29 pm

I tried that and all it did was print the page in a smaller size, but on the same piece of paper. The page break within the code causes that.

I also tried putting in code in orders/configure as suggested on the forum, but that didn't work:
<h5><b>Vedanta Catalog Order</b></h5>
<style type="text/css">
font{ color: inherit; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: xx-small;}

Any suggestions appreciated. I must not be the only one with this problem.
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby Jim » Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:18 pm

I just printed an order with 3 products on it and it all fit on one page with no page break forcing a second page. Where on the page is the page break occurring?

What version of ShopSite are you using 11sp2, 11sp1, 10.x etc, and what product level, Pro, Manager, Starter
What browser are you using and what version?
What OS is your desktop running, Windows, Mac, Linux?
What font size do you have set for the default in your browser? What zoom level is set in your browser?
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby ultra1bob » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:21 pm

To answer your questions:

Where on the page is the page break occurring?
Depends on the amount of copy. If "Payment Type" is a credit card as compared to PaypalExpress, it prints down to quantity and name of item ordered. Other times and more commonly, it prints after "Notes" and the line underneath, then the copy goes to the next page.

What version of ShopSite are you using 11sp2, 11sp1, 10.x etc, and what product level, Pro, Manager, Starter
ShopSite® Pro 11 sp2 r4.2

What browser are you using and what version?
Firefox 17.0.1

By the way, I just tired printing an order using IE9, and obtained the same printing result.

What OS is your desktop running, Windows, Mac, Linux?
WIndows 7 Pro
What font size do you have set for the default in your browser? What zoom level is set in your browser?
Times Roman, font size 16. (I tired chaning that to 9, and all it did was make the ShopSite page almost unreadable. Printing the order was the same in any case).

Here is what takes up a lot of space:

Payment type: MasterCard
Card Number: -
Card Verification Value: **purged**
Name on Card: - -
Expiration Date: xx/-

Payment Processing Info:
*PAYPAL-IPN* from Not Determined [

Hope this helps. Thanks for your attention to the matter.
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby Jim » Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:05 pm

There are styles associated with some blocks of information on the View Order screen for example the addresses have a class of order_address, the block of payment info has a class of order_info. By changing the styles applied to certain elements in those areas covered by the styles you can change how things look. In the following block of code I have modified the order_address class to have a blue italic font which is 6pt in size and made it so the <br> elements don't print so the address info is on one line. I have modified the order_info class to have a red font of 8pt, disabled the <br> elements and changed the height to 200% but made it so the <p> element is only 90% of normal.,
<style type="text/css">
.order_address {
.order_address br {
.order_info{font-size: 8pt;
.order_info br {
.order_info p {
Try playing around with these classes and see if you can get it more how you like it. You can also view the source of the View Order screen and see the other blocks (td,div, table, etc) that have classes defined for them and modify them in similar fashion. For example the notes are in a div so you can just make the content hidden if you don't want the notes to display.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby ultra1bob » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:30 pm

Now we're getting somewhere.
However, where do I find text.css?

I looked using file manager and it didn't jump off the screen at me.

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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby Jim » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:39 am

It is not added to a file since the css files used in the backoffice of ShopSite are not accessible to most merchants.
You put that code in the Orders > Configure > View Order Header section (or similar code in the Packing Slip Header section).
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby ultra1bob » Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:08 pm

Your magic worked. I'll still want to play around with it, but the code solved the problem. Don't know why mine didn't, but hey, I'll take what works.
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Orders Print on Multiple Pages Unnecessarily

Postby Jim » Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:28 pm

Glad to help. I learned a few things in the process too.
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