We mostly sell software via download. To support our troops, we like to give them their downloads for free...but since we switched to ShopSite, there doesn't seem to be an automatic way to do this.
To determine that someone is in the military, all we would do is require that the link is mailed to a .mil address, and we wouldn't put the link in the HTML receipt shown at the end of the order process like we normally do (to keep cheaters from putting in a fake .mil email to get the games for free from the receipt page).
Is there a way to do this in ShopSite? Other companies may find the ability to scan for .mil emails good for offering free shipping for hard goods, or discount coupons.
I don't know if classifying different email addresses would be helpful for other cases -- for instance, some AOL users have trouble with our ShopSite system because the downloads aren't resumeable and they have limited bandwidth. They have to bring the game down in chunks via resumeable download. For them, we've been custom-making resumeable links...but this is a pain. We could have AOL.com emails automatically be given a different kind of link when they enter an @aol.com email, that's another use for classifying order responses by email type.
-Dee Dreslough