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Editing Template in Starter Version

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:09 am
by outtacontext
I'm using the Sleek template for my shop in the Starter version and I'd like to do some basic CSS editing of the layout. For example, I'd like to put the product descriptions in a div tag and move them so that they line up with other product descriptions on the same page (the product images are different widths so the space between a product and its description will probably always be a bit different).

Also, is there a way of increasing the size of the Product name and its price?

I know the Starter is basic, but if there's any way to make these changes (div or no div), I'd love to be able to tweak it just a bit. Thanks.

Re: Editing Template in Starter Version

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:43 am
by Jim
Since there is no template editing functionality in Starter stores, you can't edit the templates. The only options for adding style information to a page would be through the text fields on the page (or product), the global header and footer and the Text at top and Text at bottom fields on the Commerce Setup > Order System > ... screens.. These can typically contain any html that you want to add to them and gives you quite a bit of flexibility.

If you have a starter store that is installed by itself and not sharing cgis with other stores (a rare thing) then you could edit the templates which are located in the sc/templates/ directories. However, they would be overwritten if you ever upgrade the store to a newer version of ShopSite, since all templates are replaced on an upgrade, so you would want to make sure you have a backup of any changes you make.

Re: Editing Template in Starter Version

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:49 am
by outtacontext
Thanks Jim. Are you saying I can put CSS in the global header?

Re: Editing Template in Starter Version

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:49 am
by Jim
Yes, you can put css in the global header. It will only work on pages where the header is included on the page. For screens which use their own header, like the shopping cart, billing, confirmation, thankyou, you will probably have to include it on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart, Checkout. Thank You etc screens in the "Text at the Top..." field.

Re: Editing Template in Starter Version

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:34 am
by outtacontext
Thanks, Jim. Half my time as a web designer is spent figuring out how to work with the system I have at hand. Thx for the help.