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thank you page display error

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:39 am
by nwyrktodd
For some reason on the thank you page, the footer is flush below the header and you can not read the information in the shopsite table.
how can i fix this? I tried css?

Also, I have a home page with custom html that every time I regenerate it changes. I want it to stay static. Could I change the name of that page from index.html to say shop.html and then update the links in the nav?

Re: thank you page display error

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:13 am
by Jim
We need to know what template you are using. Is it one you created, one a designer created or one that is supplied with ShopSite?

Have you tried viewing the pages in a different browser, IE, FireFox, Google Chrome etc. Maybe it is a browser dependent issue.

A link to the pages you are referring to would be helpful so we can see what you are seeing.

Re: thank you page display error

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:01 am
by nwyrktodd is the site, but it is hard to see the thank you unless you make a purchase....
I made the site custom. all of the pages in the cart display perfectly. only the thank you has an error

Re: thank you page display error

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:07 am
by nwyrktodd
also here is a screenshot of the thank you page:

Re: thank you page display error

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:06 pm
by Jim
Without seeing the actual template it is hard to say what the problem is, however, looking at the other shopping cart screens you have a section in the footer area that contains the 3 sections Created by:, VON Statements:, and Blogroll: but in the image you gave the link to those fields are in the header. This makes me think that you have mismatched start end tags for a table, div or other html unit.

First thing I would do is to save a copy of the html generated for the page and run it through an html checker like the one at or and see if they report mismatched tags.

I would also try using one of the bookmarklets that display the layout of the page. I use the ones at, in particular the show blocks, topographical view and topo with borders. These are snipets of code that will use the browser to display graphically how things on the page are laid out.