Issue.. I am working on a client's site. And they have the website nav generating via an include file, and not via the built-in navigation system in shopsite.
When I update the nav include file and then republish the site, the nav updates aren't pushed to the site. The nav still works, but the changes weren't published.
After updating the nav, I republished via two methods:
1. Updated a page, so the big Publish button appeared, and pressed and ran that.
2. Went to utilities, checked "publish files" and then clicked regenerate.
I checked the template they were using to generate pages and noticed they aren't including the PROCESS notation in the template include.
So it looks like [-- include newnav --] and not [-- include newnav PROCESS --]
What does the PROCESS notation do?
Any ideas as to why the include file *updates may not be getting pushed live? Also, page and product change updates go through no problem, so it is writing correctly for some things.