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Disassemble [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] to create custom path

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:10 am
by GregDilley
I've found that by having the "/store/" in the path to the images is causing the images on my site to fail to load.


I've fixed this on the pages that list products by hard coding the path to be local.
<img src="/media/ss_size/[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --]">

BUT on the pages that list other pages, I can't seem to break down the [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] tag so I can hardcode the path there.

Any help would be great!

Re: Disassemble [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] to create custom pa

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:54 pm
by GregDilley
Figured it out....

[-- IMAGE PAGE.LinkGraphic --]
gets me "media/imagename.jpg"

Re: Disassemble [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] to create custom pa

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:30 pm
by Jim
If the authorization file for your store has the /store/ in it then things should work just fine. If they are not working correctly then something is wrong with the install for your store. The files may have been moved without fixing appropriate settings so the paths are no longer correct. Although changing the way you access the images may work, there may be other things such as javascript that could fail.

You should have your host review the configuration of your store to ensure that it is correct.

Re: Disassemble [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] to create custom pa

PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:42 pm
by GregDilley
Thanks Jim.

I believe you were helping with the issue via the site owner.

I tried endlessly to get the host to resolve it but after 3 weeks of mindnumbing replies I gave this a try and it worked.

In the meantime I hope they continue to find a true resolution to the problem.