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How to show more than Name,Qty,SKU,Price in Shopping Cart?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:27 pm
by gerryleblanc

I am using SS Pro 11 and I wanted to show some additional product info on the check-out screen like a category or a custom field. I have looked into the custom templates, but I can't find one that allows me to edit that info.

I have worked on several solutions including:

Adding the category to the SKU (but it messes up a bunch of sub product linking I've already done)
Adding the category to the Order Options Description
Adding as a single option in a Order Options Drop Down

None are very elegant and have issues.

I would think the SC template would allow output of any of the available fields related to a product?

Re: How to show more than Name,Qty,SKU,Price in Shopping Car

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:07 pm
by Jim
Th only information that can be displayed about a product in the cart is what is listed in the template tag
[-- SC_Cart delete quantity image name sku price total --]
So those are (a delete or update button which isn't really part of the product) Name, SKU, graphic, each price, and total price. In addition if ordering options (pull down menus) and the Customer Text entry field are enabled they will also be displayed along with their associated text descriptions (header).

There is currently no way to add any additional product fields to the shopping cart table.

It may be possible to add some additional information using some of those field by custom coding the form that submits items to the cart. The ordering options in the form are called finopt as in <select name="138:finopt:0" size=1 > The text box is called freeopt and can be used to add some text to the product Customer Text entry field box.

There are examples in other forum posts that show how that can be done. Just search for freeopt or finopt and they should be listed.

Re: How to show more than Name,Qty,SKU,Price in Shopping Car

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:19 pm
by gerryleblanc
Okay... thanks for the answer!