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image bulk upload

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:18 am
by queenofangels
Does any have or know of a program that will take a key-word, search a folder, and write all the matches to another folder? This image loading is killing me.

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:27 pm
by ShopSite Lauren
To be honest, I don't really understand your question. However, if you want to bulk upload images, you can use FTP.

1 - Log into your website via FPT.
2 - Upload the images that you want from your computer into the media folder (or a sub folder in the media folder).
3 - Once you have all your images in ShopSite (and the permissions on the server set to 777 for the media directory and all the images in that folder), you can go back in your ShopSite store to Images > highlight all your images (if you have more than a few hundred I would suggest doing this step with only a few hundred images at a time), then click on "Create Resized Images" to have ShopSite create all the smaller versions (such as the thumbnails and the x-small image in the cart) for all your images.

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:35 am
by queenofangels
Ok. I'll be specific. I have a folder of 6,237 (.jpg) images. I have a spread sheet with product information for each of the images and the product data has about 30 different categories. Instead of loading all of the images under media, I would like to create image categories that correspond to the product categories that are in my spread sheet. 6237 divided by 30 = 207 +-. That's a lot of copy, search, select, copy and paste.
So, I would first copy all of the .jpg image names for a category and paste them into a folder. The program I'm looking for would read the entries in the category folder, search the image folder and when a match is found, write the images to an output folder. This new folder would then be used to upload the images using FTP.
Queen of Angels :) :)

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:11 pm
by Jim
How good are you with your spread sheet application? and using the command prompt of your OS?
I think it can be done without another application to do it.
You will need to create a file that can be executed in your operating system's command language (.bat for windows or a shell script for Linux. Don't know what Mac uses). You can use your spreadsheet to create the content of the file following the steps below. This method assumes that all your images are currently in one directory (folder) and that all of the category subdirectories are already create and in the same directory. If the category directories are in a different folder you will need to change the command slightly. It also assumes that you want to MOVE the images from the current directory to the categories and not just copy them.

I am assuming that you have the category name and the image name in separate columns in your spread sheet. (note that I am giving the syntax for OpenOffice Calc and it might be different for your spreadsheet.)

Create a new column at the end of your data with the title "command"
Paste this formula into the first data row of the "command" column (change the B2 and A2 to the appropriate Image (b2) and Category (a2): "=CONCATENATE("move ", B2, " ", A2, "/", B2)" (without the outer most quotes)
Move your cursor to another cell and the cell you pasted into should look like
"copy image1.jpg category1/image1.jpg" (without the quotes)

If that looks right then you can proceed to the next step of testing it to make sure it works as expected.
Open a text editor (wordpad, notepad etc) and copy the text from the cell into a new document.
Save the file as "test.bat" in the same directory as your images.

Now open a command window by going to Start > Run and type "cmd" in the box and hit enter.
Now change to the directory where your images are (cd drive:\path1\path2 etc)
Now make sure the image and the category subdirectory are in the directory you are in. ca
Now type test.bat. The file should execute and move the image file to the category subdirectory.

If that works we can continue by making the file for moving all the images.
Go back the the spread sheet and use copy and paste to copy the formula from the first cell in the "command" column to all of the other rows in column. You should be able to do this by simply selecting the second cell, scrolling to the bottom of the data and hit paste (ctrl v)
Once you have the entire column filled you can copy the text, paste it in your text editor, save to the image directory and the go to the command window again and execute the file.

Note if you haven't create the category subdirectories you could do it in a similar way by creating a list of commands
mkdir category1
mkdir category2
and put it in a text file with the .bat extension and execute it in the directory where you want the new directories created.

Hope that gives you an idea of how you can automate moving the images.

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:39 am
by queenofangels
I haven't used command prompt in about 30 years, But I'll give this a try. At first glance, it seems a bit overwhelming, and over my head, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Thank You very much!! :D :D
Queen of Angels

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:58 am
by queenofangels
Thank you very very much. This is the command that I ended up with that worked:
copy 0203AGF_24G.jpg C:\patron-saint-a

Queen of Angels :D :D :D :D

Re: image bulk upload

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:50 pm
by Jim
I'm glad it worked for you. Sometimes we make things more difficult than they need to be.