Lets start by looking at a page I did on a website I am working on at http://www.adventurecostumes.com/child-astronaut-costume.html This is using the new Ship-Shape template in Shopsite Pro Version 11 r1. You see that the product description is in what appears to be a tabbed are with the tab title being More Details followed by the product name. You will see that I have a table inserted which is a sizing chart which in the costume business is essential. I would love to be able to create another "tab" next to the More Details tab that would hold the sizong charts so that if a customer wants to see the chart, they can click on the tab and if they want to go back to the product details, they click on that tab. I have seen this set up on other sites (not Shopsite) and want to do the same thing
Any ideas? Is this what "Extra Product Fields" are for or?