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shopsite 11 download/upload

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:54 am
by queenofangels
Anyone having trouble with shopsite 11 download/upload?. I am, when I unload my products, open in excel, delete line 3 to the bottom, change the product name and sku, save, then try to upload, I get the following message: Warning: There is 1 unmatched upload field. ,
this message is always the "GTIN (ISBN, UPC, EAN, or JAN)" field. After fixing this error, I get: The record below has 165 tabs instead of 124. It may be missing some fields.
Please correct the problem and reload.
New records that have not yet been loaded will still be created if you choose the "Add New" option.
Products and pages will not be assigned to each other until the upload is complete. Any Clues???

Re: shopsite 11 download/upload

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:47 am
by ShopSite Lauren
When you upload your database, 1, make sure all columns have something in the first line. Typically there is the column title (such as Name or Sku) in the first row. Other rows can have blank fields, but the first row cannot. 2. Make sure you are saving the Excel file as a .xls file, not .xlsx. 3. when you originally open the file in Excel, are you separating the field only with a tab (this is the default), if not, then you could be dividing up fields incorrectly.

Re: shopsite 11 download/upload

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:26 pm
by queenofangels
Thanks Lauren,
The answer was .xls (excel 97-2003). I had not been saving the upload file correctly. :D :D