Reset Back To Built In Template
Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:42 pm
by kimical
Is there a way to reset our store back to the original built In template? I am trying to clean up the look of the shop from a former designer and I think it would be easier to just start over again.
Re: Reset Back To Built In Template
Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:14 pm
by Jim
Go to Preferences > Themes and select a theme, save changes. On the next screen say "yes" to replacing the layout on your pages. That will replace all of the templates for pages, products, shopping cart, etc and give them a "default" look. There is really no default look though because the original theme was selected by whoever went through the start up wizard when the store was initially installed.
If you want to change text on various screens back to the default you can do some of that by going to Preferences > Store Text and then on each of the subsequent screens under there click the Reset to Default button at the bottom of the screen. There may be other values that they have set that you would need to manually edit to get them to what you want.