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shopping cart layout....

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:31 pm
by Yachtsman
I have modified the Curved.CSS file of my site with the colors and layout that I want.

The Pages and Products layouts are working fine. The shopping cart is not.

When I do a preview of the shopping cart page it looks correct. When I actually load the page by clicking on the minicart the page looks like a stocked "curved" layout.

Any idea what am I missing?

Re: shopping cart layout....

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:41 pm
by Jim
What files did you modify? Often there are 5 different css files for the shopping cart screens. One each for the initial screen, billing address screen, confirmation screen, thankyou screen and the html email receipt.

When you edit the Shopping cart template there are a number of [--DEFINE ... --] sections. Look in each of those to see what .css file, if any, is included for that section and make your changes to each one that you find.

Re: shopping cart layout....

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:12 am
by ShopSite Lauren
If you have modified the shopping cart template and it is not exactly the same name as the original, then you would need to go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info, and select your custom/modified shopping cart template from the pull down menu (it will be at the bottom).

Also, in the Curved theme, the shopping cart uses a different CSS file than the pages, you would want to edit the Curved-Cart.css.