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Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:02 am
by lolka
as a link in ShopSite Manager?
I am talking about the link which you edit under "Preferences -> Store Text -> Shopping Cart -> Your Shopping Cart".

thanks in advance.

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:25 am
by ShopSite Lauren
You can enter an image in that field. For example going to Preferences > Store Text > Shopping Cart, and in the "Your Shopping Cart" text field you could enter something similar to the following:

<img src="" border="0" alt="Your Shopping Cart">

Different themes in ShopSite use this field differently. Some themes use this field in the standard template, such as the cross sell theme. Whereas other themes only use this field if you have enabled the mini cart feature under Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info (Pro only feature).

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:36 am
by lolka
Thanks for quick response. That's what I initially tried and it worked, but with unexpected result (that's why I am writing here): the "View Cart" link (the one you edit at Preferences -. Store text -> Store Pages" was displaying something like ">View Cart.
I saw somewhere information, that ShopSite adds the "> closing tag itself, not sure if that's the case, but when I was trying to remove it, the image was not displayed. What am I doing wrong?

You can see the result here:

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:54 am
by ShopSite Lauren
The field you are editing "Your Shopping Cart" is not the field that the text area is using (at least not completely... the "Your Shopping Cart" is only the link title for search engines, not the actual text for that link). You will want to add your image code into the "View Cart" field under Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, second field on the page. Note, with the template that you are using, selecting an image does not effect that top area, it pulls the actual text from the text field, so you will want to put your full image tag in the text area replacing "view cart."

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:25 pm
by lolka
Doesn't work. As default, it has an image link: [shopsite-images]/buttons/defaults/View_Cart.gif Image and this one doesn't show up, either :(

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:52 pm
by ShopSite Lauren
You are not posting your image information in the image field, you are posting your image HTML in the text field. See image below:


Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:00 pm
by lolka
That's exactly what I am doing, with no results. Other buttons display without problems.
I have also other problem: about 4 out of 5 times I try to "edit publish" to edit css, when I save it, some classes disappear (their names and first curly bracket). As a result, every single edit requires publishing the store, validating the css (there is no telling whether it 'chewed" css or not before publishing), try to paste it again, usually by 3rd or 4th time it works. Any tip what went wrong will be appreciated. I am about to dump everything and start all over from the beginning.

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:18 pm
by ShopSite Lauren
I am more of a template person, so let me give you the steps for editing the template directly (this will also make it so that you can can modify those links completely.

1. Go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Copy ShopSite Include, and make a copy of the Multi-Use-Menu-Sub.sst file.
2. Copy your copy of the include file and rename it the exact same name as the original. This will make your copied include file override the original file.
3. You can then make changes to your copied include file called Multi-Use-Menu-Sub.sst. You can simplify the code in this file to be something similar to:

<td id="mu-submenu">
<div class="inner">
<a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Home --]</a>
<a href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img src="url-here" border="0" alt="Your Shopping Cart"></a>

4. Save changes, then preview your changes by going to Pages > Preview.
5. If the menu bar looks the way that you want, then you can regenerate your entire website with the new updated include file by going to Utilities > Publish > Regenerate.

Re: Is there a way to use custom "Your Shopping Cart" image

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:22 pm
by lolka
I'll definitely give it a try, thank you for your time :)