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Emails to customers have wrong store URL.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:26 pm
by Bluefoot
When a customer purchases a digital download product or gift certificate from my store, ShopSite sends an email that includes the store URL, but the URL is wrong. It ends with "/store/index.html" but it should be "/shopping/index.html". I can't find where to fix/change that. Anyone know where that is set?

Re: Emails to customers have wrong store URL.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:28 pm
by Jim
Try looking in Preferences > Hosting services and see what URL are specified there. Depending on the template it may be using the "My Store URL" . The value may also just be specified in the template you are using or in a text field in the backoffice of the store, like the Gift Certificate configuration screen or the Digital download config screen.

It may also be using the authorized url for your store. So if you changed the auth file after installing your store the value could be in the <storeid>.aa in the ss directory (sc on Windows servers). The <storeid> part will be the login name you use when logging in to you ShopSite interface.

Re: Emails to customers have wrong store URL.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:58 pm
by Bluefoot
Thanks for the quick response and the suggestions. The Hosting Services page displays this message: "This area has been disabled for security reasons." I'll check with my hosting provider about that.

I don't see any reference to the URL in the config screens. There is a [-- MyStoreURL --] tag in the custome gc template I'm using. I know that text referenced by template tags is in the Store Preferences, but I couldn't find it there either. There's no <storeid>.aa in the sc directory. I checked the other directories, just in case, but I couldn't find that either. Seems like I struck out everywhere I looked. Any other ideas?

Re: Emails to customers have wrong store URL.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:07 am
by Jim
If your host has blocked access to the Preferences > Hosting services screen you will need to contact them for assistance with the issue.

Re: Emails to customers have wrong store URL.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:48 pm
by Bluefoot
I've resolved this. When ShopSite was first set up by my host, the store pages were located in the /Shopping. I learned that, since then, the /Store/ folder is now hard-coded as the default location for store pages. That's why the store URL sent automatically when someone got a digital download couldn't be changed. I resolved the issue by moving my store pages to the /Store/ folder and changing all the links in my site accordingly. Everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks for weighing in on this issue.
