Having difficulty getting the content of SC_CustomHTML 1 to display on cart page.
I've tried including the tag [-- SC_CustomHTML 1 --]
and tried it as conditional
[-- IF SC_CustomHTML 1 --][-- SC_CustomHTML 1 --][-- END_IF --]
I'm trying to get some text to display about the continue shopping / recalculate buttons.
See https://www.floridatorqueconverters.com/Torque-Converters-Ford-Escape-73-104.html
Buy Now
Here is the snippet for this section of my custom cart template
# Responsive Design Shopping Cart Template
# Copyright ShopSite Inc. Design By Lauren
[-- DEFINE ShoppingCart --]
[-- VAR.Type "cart" --][-- VAR.Secure "no" --]
[-- INCLUDE ResponsiveDesign-VARs-Doctype.sst PROCESS --]<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
<title>[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart Remove_Html --]</title>
[-- INCLUDE ResponsiveDesign-Head.sst PROCESS --]
<script type="text/javascript">[-- SC_JAVASCRIPT extras --]</script>
<body id="half-height">
<div id="contained">
<article id="full-center">
[-- ShopSiteMessages --]
[-- SC_Form --]
[-- SC_Cart --]
<div id="total-half">[-- SC_Totals --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayDiscounts "yes" --]<br><a href="javascript://" onclick="document.getElementById('coupcert').style.display='block';document.getElementById('coupcertlink').style.display='none';" id="coupcertlink">[-- IF SC_GiftCert --][-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --][-- IF SC_Coupon --] or [-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --][-- IF SC_Coupon --][-- STORE.CouponCaption --][-- END_IF --]?</a><div id="coupcert">[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayDiscounts "yes" --]<div style="display: none;">[-- BUTTON Recalculate --]</div></div><script>var coupcertlinktext = document.getElementById("coupcertlink").innerHTML;var coupcertlinktextrpc = coupcertlinktext.replace(":",""); document.getElementById("coupcertlink").innerHTML = coupcertlinktextrpc;var coupcerttext = document.getElementById("coupcert").innerHTML;var coupcerttextrpc = coupcerttext.replace("Gift ",""); document.getElementById("coupcert").innerHTML = coupcerttextrpc;</script>[-- END_IF --]
<div id="ship-half">[-- IF SC_CustomHTML 1 --][-- SC_CustomHTML 1 --][-- END_IF --][-- BUTTON ContinueShopping --] [-- BUTTON Recalculate --]<br>[-- SC_Tax_Shipping --][-- SC_Surcharge --][-- IF SC_VAT_ID --][-- SC_VAT_ID --][-- END_IF --]</div>
<div id="checkout-half">[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions --]<div class="orderinginstructions">[-- SC_OrderingInstructions 2 30 --]</div>[-- END_IF --][-- SC_PaymentSelection --][-- BUTTON Checkout --]<span class="showbasket">[-- SC_ShowBasket --]</span></div>
<span class="unused-text-button">[-- BUTTON EmptyCart --]</span>
[-- IF PayPal_Messaging --]<div id="sc-pp" style="padding: 15px 0px">[-- PayPal_Messaging 234x60 CartPage --]</div>[-- END_IF --]
[-- ShoppingCartFooter --]
[-- INCLUDE ResponsiveDesign-Footer.sst PROCESS --]
[-- IF SC_Email_LightBox --][-- SC_Email_LightBox --][-- END_IF --]
[-- END_DEFINE ShoppingCart --]