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Limit time and date on order

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 11:11 am
by kiet1451
My customers order from my store but I need to limit 24-48 hours in advance for my production to create the product
Can I add that option?
I also need to remove the option on my customize cake order but I dont know how. Can you show me too?
Thank you,

Re: Limit time and date on order

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 2:42 pm
by cyoung

Your site has a lot of customization.
1. To adjust the text that appears on the checkout screen. You can go to Commerce> Order System> Checkout>, and if it is ShopSite generated text it should be editable there.
2. To edit the create your own cake option, We determined that this is a PHP page which was not created by ShopSite and will need to be edited outside of ShopSite.