Displaying first and last column pricing
Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:14 am
by tmlogo
I was wondering if there is a way to show the largest quantity pricing. i.e. if a quantity of 1 is $10, 25 are $9.50, and 50 are $9.00 and I want to display something on a page such as " Pricing $9.00-$10.25"
Re: Displaying first and last column pricing
Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:11 am
by cyoung
There is not a built in feature for it, and no template tags specifically to get those fields. However, if you are using custom product templates, you could put text like that in one of the extra Product Fields and call that from your custom product template.
A built in quantity pricing feature is available in ShopSite Pro. It does show price table of the range of prices available based on the number of products being purchased.
Located in the advanced Product settings (this can be accessed through the products (list mode) Edit Product Info, quantity pricing, if quantity pricing is enabled ShopSite will not use the values of the Price and Sale Price fields to calculate the cost of an order, but will only use the quantity prices.
You could also manually enter the price ranges into one of the product or page text fields.