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view cart button?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:19 am
by gracefuli
1. using the familiar theme. Doesn't seem to allow for a view cart button on the products page? can this be added. there appears to be room. here is sample product page;
(did select the display default view cart button - even tried selecting a button we had already in the media file. None showed. So thinking it's not in the template. using bb-productwithmenus.sst)

2. having trouble with seeing the "view cart" in the top navigation line. Whatever i set the page width too it never seems to appear (on any device.. desktop, phone, etc) Have it set to 1000px. and have put nothing in the top nav/menu bar. So i thought if "view cart" button was under each product, they won't miss it. Can the sign in and register buttons that are in the top bar be shortened?


Re: view cart button?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:32 am
by ShopSite Lauren
I would suggest enabling the mini cart, which will add a "view cart" link to your navigation menu (Commerce > Order System > Layout Info, check the checkbox to enable the mini cart). No, the familiar theme does not display a "view cart" button next to the add to cart button.

To shorten the links in the top navigation menu, go to Preferences > Store Text > Registration:
- change the "Click Here to Sign In" text to just "Sign In".
- change the "Click here to register or continue to checkout as a guest" to just "Register"
(both settings above are defaults in new installs, but when a store is upgraded, the settings that the merchant has already stay, instead of being updated to what new installs have).

Re: view cart button?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:52 pm
by gracefuli
perfect thank you!