Problems changing template/changing colors/etc.

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Problems changing template/changing colors/etc.

Postby sickzipr » Mon May 25, 2015 10:10 pm

Hello, I'm a total newbie so this will probably be dumb--- but I'm kinda tired of watching instructional videos that keep saying the same thing and not resolving my problem and/or not even actually related to my issue(s). This is my website:

THE ONLY THING I WANT TO DO: Is flip the background color to be black instead of white, and the font color to be white instead of black. THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT/ALL I WANT TO CHANGE!!!!

I originally selected the template called, "Dauntless" theme. In the sample image of this theme before I even selected it, it shows a black background with white text. So I would think this should be an accomplish-able feat for what I'm trying to do. That's the theme I originally selected and what I used in order to create what I have so far. If I'm somehow wrong about this, what should I be able to use and accomplish this?

What's frustrating me about these templates is none of them seem to meet my very few requirements: I want a plain black background, white text only--- throughout the whole site! Otherwise, I'm not having a hard time putting up the shopping cart/putting hte images of the the records, my main logo uptop- for some odd reasons all that was relatively easy--- but what I thought would be the most basic edit seems nearly impossible and I've been struggling with this for DAYS!!!!

WHAT I HAVE TRIED: Numerous instructional videos/and what I have done is: Clicked pages > clicked advanced editing > selected the homepage/"sick zip records"/front page of the sit-- then clicked Edit Page Layout--- I go to background color select black, and go ot he text and select white- and I hit apply-- and I hit save---- and yet--- then I visit my site and I have the same problem---- nothing has changed--- its a white background/with black text.

I'm not too interested in editing .html as that requires a huge learning curve--- and I'm not at all interested in paying someone else to do this--- it's such a small edit I want to do, I can't fathom why it would be necessary to shell out more cash for this little thing- I already paid plenty of money in web-hosting.

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Re: Problems changing template/changing colors/etc.

Postby Jim » Tue May 26, 2015 8:08 am

Which exact theme did you pick on the Preferences > Themes screen?
Once you know what theme you chose go to and click on the image for that theme. It will bring you to a screen that lists how the various color fields specified on the Preferences > Layout Settings in the ShopSite backoffice are used.

I checked a couple of the theme that use the Barebones templates (which your page appears to be using) and it says that the following color fields are used
Text Color - text color.
Background Color - background color.

So you can go to Preferences > Layout Settings and try changing the Text color and the Background color, save changes. Then you will need to republish the site which can be done by clicking the Publish button that may popup or by going to Utilities > Publish and click the Regenerate button.
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Re: Problems changing template/changing colors/etc.

Postby sickzipr » Tue May 26, 2015 6:03 pm

JIM!!!!! YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!! :)

Lol I feel incredibly dumb lol-- but I now realize that my mistake was trying to change the colors under pages, and not having changed them under preferences-- I can't believe I missed that! Thank you so much!!!

I'm using the "Dauntless" theme--- it's this one here:

Thanks again! : )
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