The code used to display the links is quite complicated in most of the themes. Here is the link code for the BB.sst page template used by the Familiar theme
- Code: Select all
[-- VAR.LinkCount INC --]
[-- IF PAGE.LinkName --]
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName PAGE.LinkName --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName PAGE.Name --]
[-- END_IF --]<div class="item item
[-- VAR.LinkCount --]
[-- IF PAGE.TextWrap "Off" --] nowrap
[-- END_IF --]">
[-- IF PAGE.LinkGraphic --]<a class="bb-lkimg" href="
[-- PAGE.FileName --]" title="
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName --]">
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic SRC_ONLY --]</a>
[-- IF PAGE.LinkName --]<a class="bb-lknme" href="
[-- PAGE.FileName --]" title="
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName --]">
[-- PAGE.LinkName --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- ELSE_IF PAGE.LinkName --]<a class="bb-lknme" href="
[-- PAGE.FileName --]" title="
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName --]">
[-- PAGE.LinkName --]</a>
[-- ELSE --]<a class="bb-lknme" href="
[-- PAGE.FileName --]" title="
[-- VAR.SingleLinkName --]">
[-- PAGE.Name REMOVE_HTML --]</a>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PAGE.LinkText --]<span>
[-- PAGE.LinkText --]</span>
[-- END_IF --]</div>
This code outputs just the image for the link in this line [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic SRC_ONLY --]</a> The SRC_ONLY eliminates anything but the image url, no height, width, alt text, border etc is output.
If you change the tag [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic SRC_ONLY --] and remove the SRC_ONLY part so it is [-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] the template will out put the alt text and other attributes configured for the image for example
- Code: Select all
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic SRC_ONLY --] outputs
img src="">
- Code: Select all
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] outputs
<img src="" alt="JIM SAMPLE IMAGE" width="46" height="50" vspace="3" hspace="3" border="0">
The additional attributes could cause problems with the way links display on a page so this is why the template uses the SRC_ONLY option for the Page.LinkGraphic image output.