Hey I uploaded multiple images to /media/products/. I chose to upload a 3 x 4 thumbnail for the main page. Then I figured I would use larger images for the more info pages. I get this error:
Publishing File:[HTML5_twoColFixRtHdr.css]
Generating Page [4:Collections]...
Adding Product [Black Cotton Jersey Drop crotch Pants.]... Content-type: text/html
Cannot open file [/home/content/t/h/a/thanlon/html/von/store/media/Products/ss_size1/black-breastplate-thumb.jpg] for writing.:
When I look in that directory there is no file there.
What Am I doing wrong?
What are the best ways to upload images for products?
What size images should I use for front and more info pages?
DO I need to make multiple sizes or just one size that they resize?