include file not updating / PROCESS

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include file not updating / PROCESS

Postby roryan » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:39 pm

Issue.. I am working on a client's site. And they have the website nav generating via an include file, and not via the built-in navigation system in shopsite.

When I update the nav include file and then republish the site, the nav updates aren't pushed to the site. The nav still works, but the changes weren't published.
After updating the nav, I republished via two methods:
1. Updated a page, so the big Publish button appeared, and pressed and ran that.
2. Went to utilities, checked "publish files" and then clicked regenerate.

I checked the template they were using to generate pages and noticed they aren't including the PROCESS notation in the template include.
So it looks like [-- include newnav --] and not [-- include newnav PROCESS --]

What does the PROCESS notation do?
Any ideas as to why the include file *updates may not be getting pushed live? Also, page and product change updates go through no problem, so it is writing correctly for some things.

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Re: include file not updating / PROCESS

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:56 pm

The PROCESS parameter is only necessary if you are including other template tags in the include file. It basically tells ShopSite's generation process to check the include file for template tags. If you don't have template tags in your include, then you should not use the PROCESS parameter, it will make Publishing go slightly faster.

A couple of ideas:

1) After you Regenerate, make sure you are doing a full reload (F5 in IE, Shift-Refresh in Firefox) when you are looking at the page you are expecting to see the change on. Your browser may be showing you the old data otherwise.

2) Put some other text in the template around the INCLUDE tag that you can look for in the page source that will show you if the page is actually being regenerated, and if it is from that template. It could be that the page is not being created by the template you think it is, or that for some other reason the page isn't currently being recreated by a generation (for example, if it is a More Info Page but the product has the setting to create a More Info Page turned off currently, or the product is not assigned to a Page).

3) The filename you use in the INCLUDE tag *IS* case-sensitive, so make sure you are using the correct capitalization (and no space characters) in the filename.

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Re: include file not updating / PROCESS

Postby roryan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:07 am

Thanks for the help.

I figured out what I was doing wrong.

The include was being updated, but I needed to regenerate each page that had that include (which is the entire site). I was updating the include, updating a random page 'a' to get the publish button to appear, then clicking publish. And then checking random page 'b, c, or d'..., looking for the update. If I had checked page a, I would have seen the changes.

The utilities route failed because I was only checking the "publish files" for the regeneration. Each page that has the include needs to be regenerated.

Traditional php includes are designed so you only have to update the include, and you don't have to touch the pages that use it. That thinking is what probably steered me wrong. But it's an easy process now that I understand how it works.
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